


A seizure is a burst of uncontrolled electrical activity between brain cells (也称为 neurons or nerve cells) that causes temporary abnormalities in muscle tone or movements (stiffness, 抽搐或虚弱), 行为, 意识的感觉或状态.

癫痫发作并不都一样. 癫痫发作可能是由于急性原因引起的单一事件,例如药物. 当一个人反复发作时,这被称为癫痫.


  • 癫痫发作 symptoms vary 和 can include a sudden change in awareness or full loss of consciousness, 不寻常的感觉或想法, involuntary twitching or stiffness in the body or severe stiffening 和 limb shaking with loss of consciousness (a convulsion.)
  • There are two major classes or groups of seizures: focal onset 和 generalized onset.
  • Focal onset seizures start in one area 和 can spread across the brain 和 cause mild or severe symptoms, 取决于放电扩散的方式.
  • Generalized seizures can start as focal seizures that spread to both sides of the brain. They also can occur as “generalized onset” seizures in which seizure activity starts simultaneously over both sides of the brain. Generalized onset seizures usually start during childhood 和 are similar to a thermostat surge or a light flash — abnormal regulation between parts of the brain causes the seizures.
  • 所有类型的癫痫发作最常用药物治疗, 和, 如果他们难以控制, 通过饮食疗法, 神经刺激或手术.

It is important for the doctor to get an accurate seizure diagnosis in order to implement the most appropriate kind of treatment. Focal 和 generalized onset seizures usually have different causes 和 accurately diagnosing seizure types often helps identify the cause for the seizures.

医生是否能确定一个人癫痫发作的原因, 治疗可能意味着药物治疗. 癫痫发作 that are difficult to control may be improved with nerve stimulation or diet therapy. Patients whose seizures are due to a focal scar or other lesions in the brain may be good c和idates for epilepsy surgery.


Focal seizures are also called partial seizures since they begin in one area of the brain. 它们可以由任何类型的局灶性损伤引起,留下疤痕缠结. 病史或核磁共振成像可以确定病因(如 创伤, 中风 or 脑膜炎),大约一半的局灶性癫痫患者都有这种症状. Developmental scars — ones that occur as part of fetal 和 early growth of the brain — are common causes of focal seizures in children.


局灶性癫痫可以从大脑的一部分开始,并扩散到其他区域, 引起轻微或严重的症状, 这取决于大脑参与的程度.

一开始,患者可能会注意到轻微的症状,这被称为心绞痛 光环. The person may have altered feelings or sense that something is about to happen (premonition). 有些人 experiencing an 光环 describe a rising sensation in the stomach similar to riding on a roller coaster.

随着癫痫扩散到整个大脑,更多的症状出现. 如果异常的电活动涉及到大脑的大片区域, 这个人可能会感到困惑或茫然, 或者经历轻微的震动, 肌肉僵硬的, 或摸索或咀嚼动作. 引起意识改变的局灶性癫痫被称为 局灶性无意识发作 or 复杂部分性癫痫发作.

The electrical activity of the seizure can remain in one sensory or motor area of the brain, 导致 局灶意识发作 (也称为 单纯性局部癫痫发作). The person is aware of what is happening, 和 may notice unusual sensations 和 movements.

Focal seizures can evolve into major events that spread to the entire brain 和 cause tonic-clonic seizures. These seizures are important to treat 和 prevent since they can cause respiratory problems 和 injuries.


Generalized-onset seizures are surges of abnormal nerve discharges throughout the cortex of the brain more or less at the same time. The most common cause is an imbalance in the “brakes” (inhibitory circuits) 和 “accelerator” (excitatory circuits) of electrical activity in the brain.


全身性癫痫发作可能有遗传因素, but only a small number of people with generalized seizures have family members with the same condition. There is a slight increase in risk for generalized seizures in the children or other family members of an affected person with generalized seizures, 但是癫痫发作的严重程度因人而异. 基因检测可能揭示全身性癫痫发作的原因.

Sleep deprivation or drinking large amounts of alcohol can increase the excitatory response 和 increase the risk of generalized-onset seizures, 尤其是那些有遗传倾向的人.



儿童期缺失性癫痫 shows up as brief staring episodes in children, usually starting between ages four 和 six. 孩子们长大后通常会摆脱这些. 青少年缺席性癫痫 starts slightly later 和 can persist into adulthood; people with these kinds of seizures may develop tonic-clonic seizures in addition to absence of seizures in adulthood.


肌阵挛性发作 consist of sudden body or limb jerks that can involve the arms, head 和 neck. The spasms occur on both sides of the body in clusters, especially in the morning. 当这些癫痫发作发生在青春期并伴有强直阵挛发作时, 它们是一种综合症的一部分,叫做 青少年肌阵挛性癫痫. People can also have myoclonic seizures as part of other epilepsy related-conditions.


有些人, 通常是那些有多重脑损伤和智力残疾的人, 有强直性发作,包括手臂和身体突然僵硬, 哪些会导致跌倒和受伤. 许多强直性癫痫患者都有一种叫做Lennox Gastaut综合征的综合征. This condition may involve intellectual disability, multiple seizure types including tonic seizures. 患有Lennox Gastaut综合征的人可能有一种独特的脑电图模式,叫做 慢峰和慢波.

患有弥漫性脑部疾病的人也可能有失张力性癫痫发作, 突然衰弱的以身体突然失去张力而导致晕倒为特征的, 经常受伤. A sequence of a brief tonic episode followed by an atonic seizure is called a tonic-atonic seizure. Tonic 和 atonic seizures are often managed with specific medications 和 sometimes with nerve stimulation 和 diet therapies.


Tonic-clonic seizures can evolve from any of the focal or generalized seizure types. For example, a focal seizure can spread to both sides of the brain 和 cause tonic-clonic seizures. A cluster of myoclonic seizures can become continuous 和 evolve into a tonic-clonic seizure. Generalized onset tonic-clonic seizures can occur alone or as part of another syndrome such as 青少年肌阵挛性癫痫 (JME) or juvenile absence epilepsy during adulthood.

