Pediatric Cardiology and Congenital Heart Care

Compassionate Heart Care for You and Your Child

约翰霍普金斯大学的成人和儿童心脏病专家提供最先进的 cardiology care for adults and children with general or complex cardiac conditions.

我们的专家经过培训,可以照顾所有年龄段的人-从子宫到成年-在许多 locations in throughout Maryland.

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Locations for Cardiology Care

我们的专家在马里兰地区的十个不同地点提供心脏病学服务. Find a location convenient to you.

 View all Locations

Our Pediatric Cardiology Services


Cardiovascular Research

Our physicians are engaged in several research projects, 有些是由美国国立卫生研究院和私人基金会资助的. Learn more about our current research pursuits.


作为儿科医学的发源地和具有历史意义的“蓝宝宝”手术, 约翰霍普金斯儿童中心儿科和先天性心脏病中心治疗从子宫到成年的所有心脏病.

Why Choose Johns Hopkins for Pediatric Congenital Cardiology

我们治疗所有年龄的先天性和后天性心脏病患者. 了解为什么你应该把你的孩子带到约翰霍普金斯儿科和先天性心脏中心.

Specialized Treatment

We provide your child with the latest non-invasive testing, evaluation and management for pediatric cardiac conditions.

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Expert Care


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Family-Centered Care



Patient Stories

  • Esther's Story

    埃丝特·马丁出生时患有先天性心脏缺陷,成年后在约翰·霍普金斯接受治疗. 她成功怀孕,生下了一个健康的婴儿.

    esther martin with husband and baby - pediatric cardiology
  • Kamari's Story

    约翰霍普金斯大学的医生为卡马里治疗右心发育不良综合症. Despite four major heart surgeries, 卡马里很健康,已经克服了他的先天性心脏病.

    Kamari in public - pediatric cardiology
  • Micah's Story

    在经历了一次重感冒之后,Micah被诊断出患有心肌炎(心脏肿胀)。. At Johns Hopkins Hospital, Micah接受了挽救生命的心脏移植手术,帮助他继续茁壮成长.

    Micah image black and white - pediatric cardiology